our objectives

Historical Revelation:

Uncover and share historical evidence, artifacts, and DNA studies that solidify the connection between Pashtuns and the 10 lost tribes of Bani Israel. Through rigorous research, we aim to present a compelling case for this shared heritage.

Confronting Prejudice:

Address animosity faced by Bani Israelis, irrespective of their religious beliefs. By promoting awareness and understanding, we strive to break down prejudices, fostering an environment where acceptance and respect prevail.

Educational Outreach

Travel extensively to engage with Pashtun communities in Australia, Afghanistan, and Iran. Through seminars, workshops, and awareness campaigns, our goal is to educate and enlighten Pashtuns about their Bani-Israeli roots, challenging misconceptions and fostering a sense of pride.

Exercising Birthright for Peace:

As the sons and daughters of Joseph, we advocate for peace and understanding. Through strategic exercise of our birthright, we aim to gather and unify the Nation of Bani Israel, acknowledging potential threats while working towards lasting peace.

Building a Unified Nation

Fulfilling the covenant with Hashem, our mission includes rebuilding the third temple and unifying the 12 tribes into One Nation. By confronting external challenges and enemies, we seek to create a strong, united Bani Israel.

Promoting Collaboration

Emphasizing collaboration and cooperation between Jewish and Muslim Bani Israelis, we strive to highlight shared blood, ancestry, and a common historical mission. Our objective is to encourage a return to roots with honor and pride, fostering unity and brotherhood.